Magzter App For Mac
Magzter App For Mac
I am a regular user of Magzter application. You have to use the same Magzter account on both newsstand application and Magzter applicatoin and you will be able to read all magazines on Magzter application. Once you login with your account there is a section called Purchased and you can find all your purchased magazines there.
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- Users will enjoy the simplicity and ease to find their prefered magazines, navigate and read on iPhone and other smartphones and tablets, PC or Mac. BibliMagsTM is the official app operated.
- Also, the app does not work on smartphones like the iPhone or an Android model. Zinio is the digital magazine leader. The service works on a computer (PC or Mac), your phone, both the iPad.
- A top–class email app for your Mac. You can read up to 3 premium stories before you subscribe to Magzter GOLD. Log in, if you are already a subscriber.
Magzter App For Mac Shortcut
Create Magazine is an Android House & Home App that is developed by Magzter Inc. And published on Google play store on May 8, 2017. It has already got around 500+ downloads so far with an average rating of 5.0 out of 5 in play store.
Earlier I was using newsstand applications for each magazines and later i shifted only to Magzter application. You can find all magazines here itself and everything is very easy to handle.
Hope it will help you.
Jan 7, 2013 9:00 PM